Main Content
Regenerative Farming

This film is a micro documentary/ ‘how to’ for any farmer looking to transition to regenerative farming. It is also for curious minds coming to soil regeneration without prior knowledge.
Spread the word, degenerating land can become regenerating land using resources we already have. If the world’s existing agricultural land was to convert to regenerative agriculture today, increasing the soil organic matter in the soil by an average of 0.5% to 1% a year, theoretically, we could sequester all the excess carbon in the atmosphere within a year *(Stat: Kiss the ground).
Call to Action:
Read: ‘Dirt to Soil: One Family’s Journey into regenerative agriculture’ by
Gabe Brown, ‘Regenerative’ by Paul Hawkins.
Watch: Kiss the ground, Living Soil, The need to grow, Farmer’s footprint,
The biggest little farm.
Lecture: By Dr David Johnson. Static Pile Fungal Compost Presentation
Study online: The commune courses: ‘Kiss the ground’ with Finian Makepeace and ‘Regeneration’ with Paul Hawkins
Become an advocate: Kiss the Ground.
Become a soil specialist: Soil food Web,
Soil Health Academy
Transition from chemical ag to regenerative ag:
Soil food Web, Soil Health Academy
Equipment Links:
The Bio 5 Extractor:
Esch 5612 No Till Drill:
Agri-Inject Inc CO Pivot Injection Pumps:
Schaffert Manufacturing: Liquid Drill Injection System:
Vence: Virtual Fencing